Sandra Arróniz Lacunza
(0034) 637716337
[email protected]
- 'Voces y Silencios. Pamplona, 7 de Julio de 2008' directed by Sandra Arróniz and Marie-Garielle Rotie. Pamplona (03/07/2013)
- 'Unearthed' directed by Ruhanie Perera and Sally E.Dean. Kotte, Sri Lanka (01-02/12/2012)
- ‘Nagore, Pamplona, 7 de Julio 2008’. Victoria House Basement, Londres (09/02/2011) and Casa de Cultura de Zizur Mayor (29/05/2012)
- ‘Improvisación’ in Green Runa Festival (11/07/2012)
- ‘Life Support’ by ‘Catapulting Cocoon’ in collaboration with Carolina Rieckhof. 2011
- ‘Scale’ by Sally E.Dean, in collaboration with Carolina Rieckhof. SOAS University of London, as part of
‘Indonesia Kontemporer 2011’. (15/10/2011)
- ‘The Myth of the Porter’s Mess Room in 1894’ by Sally E.Dean, Esbjörn Wettermark and Sandra Arroniz. Battersea Arts Centre, as part of BAC ‘Freshly Scratched’ (15/10/2011)
- research group about ‘Ectoplasm’ by ‘Rotie Productions’ 2011
- ‘The Booger Dance’ by Adam James. ‘Yinka Shonibares Guest Projects’ Gallery, London. Performance: 07/04/2011. Exhibition: 02-30/04/2011.
- ‘A Pageant of Great Women’ by Anna Birch. Hull, 07/05/2011
- ‘Somatic Movement and Costume Research’ by Sally E.Dean, in collaboration with Carolina Rieckhof. London 2011
- Snow White and the Seven Designers’ by Russell Penn. ‘Metro’ Newspaper Dress in collaboration with Carolina Rieckhof. Garrick Theatre, London (12-16/10/2010)
- ‘Hamlet, Prince of Denmark’ by ‘Icarus Theatre’. Costume Assistant. 2010
- 'Game of Thrones VI' Wardrobe Assistant. September 2015
- 'Ultreia' Short FIlm by Leticia Galeano. Art Direction and Wardrobe. November 2013
- 'Atzo!¡Ayer' by Patxi Urkijo. Wardrobe Assistant. May 2009
- 'en Blanco' Solo Exhibition. Gayarre Theatre, Pamplona. 26th Sept 2015 - 4th January 2016
- 'Quien teme al lobo feroz' by 'FueradelEje'. Co-scenography. 2015
- Participation in ‘Regreso al Origen / Jatorrira Itzultzea’. Civivox de Iturrama, Pamplona (October 2014)
- Teaching experimental workshop ‘Piezas para Vestir: Wearable Art’ at Centro Huarte (May 2014)
- Talk ‘La Ruta del Vestuario’ in Gayarre Theatre of Pamplona (Noviembre 2013)
- Art Direction and Costume Department in 'Ultreia'. Short film by Leticia Galeano. (October 2013)
- Judge at VI FICBE (International Festival of Social Themed Short Films) (September 2013)
- 'Widen your personal space. Bodice to breath' Performance at Centro Huarte. Part of 'Noche de las Musas' (18/05/2013)
- Artictic Residence at Centro Huarte (January-July 2013)
- 1st Prize ‘Encuentros de Arte Joven 2012. Artes Escénicas’. Spain
- Artistic Residence ‘On Collaboration’ in Middlesex University of London (02/04-04/05/2012) Simposium ‘Experiential Costume, Movement and Performance’ and exhibition. In collaboration with Sally E.Dean and Carolina Rieckhof.
- Participation on 'Secret Whispers' by Seila Fernandez Arconada, as part of the I Bienal of Bristol. (06/2012)
- Grant ‘Ampliación de Estudios Artísticos’ from Gobierno de Navarra. (09/2009 – 12/2010)
- ‘XX Competición de Pintura al aire libre’ organized by Café Iruña. Bilbao, 2009
- Special Mention ‘XI Competición de Jóvenes Pintores, Leioa 2008’.
- ‘Encuentro de Jóvenes Artistas Navarros 2008’
- ZINEBI Film Festival. “Traje Prolongación” video-creation. Bilbao, 2008
- ‘Exhibición Audiovisual del Departamento de Bellas Artes’. Bilbao, 2008
- ‘Semester Students of the HGB exhibition’ Leipzig, Germany. 2006
- Participation on performance ‘Looking for see the way’ by Maider Araguas, as part of "Artcase Europe” Project. Hannover, Germany. 2006
- ‘Instalación Colectiva’ in “La Tetería de la Mañueta”. Pamplona, 2006
- ‘Competición de Jóvenes Artistas de Navarra’ Pamplona, 2006
- ‘Illustration Students of HGB Exhibition’ in collaboration with Ana Cano. Leipzig, Germany. 2006
- 1st Prize ‘XVI Competición de Pintura al aire libre’ organized by Café Iruña. Bilbao, 2005
- MA Investigación y Creación en Arte, Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU. Bilbao. (2012-2013)
- MA Costume Design for Performance, London College of Fashion. (2009-2010)
- Pattern Cutter Workshop (60 hours) Escuela Superior de Diseño y Moda Felicidad Duce, Barcelona. (2009)
- BA Fine Arts (Licenciatura en Bellas Artes) Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU. Bilbao. (2002-2008)
- Erasmus grant during 8 months. Hochschüle für Grafik und Buchkunst, HGB. Leipzig, Germany. (2006-2007)
- Art A-Level. Escuela de Artes y Oficios de Pamplona. (2000-2002)